Tuesday, August 19, 2008

my baby girl is so tough..........

How tough is she??
Well, she plays flag football on a team with her older brother, she is the only girl on the team AND only one of 2 girls in the 6-team league, not only that, but at the last game she smashed into one of the boys on the other team and got a bloody nose!
yes! She cried a little and was sent out of the game only to get wiped up and then want to go in the game again and not miss any playing time! Then it started bleeding again, I wiped it but she was in a hurry and I didn't get it all and they said she couldn't play with blood on her face! Is that not a statement some tough-guy would get? But it was for my little Zoe! She plays so hard and she is in it to win it every game and practice. The team is currently 2-0 too with only one other undefeated team, go us! I'm so glad she is like this now, it will serve her well all her life so that she doesn't give up even when life gives her a bloody nose.
I can learn a thing or two from her, life has given us a few bloody noses as of late but I am not giving up. I know that somehow, someway, we will be able to look back and see that even though we had a million things come against us at once, we got through it and the Lord was the One behind the scenes working things out for our good.
A few things have happened that I am not sure about, one thing is that Daniel has been seeing a counselor for issues and problems that I won't go into here, but she (the counselor) suggested that Daniel be tested for things and it turns out that he has Asperger's with ADHD. This is a big blow and an AH HA! moment all at the same time. I never dreamed he would have anything like this and now as I look back I can see the signs. We are in the process now deciding what school is best or if homeschool is best or what. [and another bloody nose we have gotten is that the rental house that we had wanted fell through so now we don't know where we will be going or where the kids will start school and school starts in 1 week!]

So right now, this moment, I am pretty stressed. And in my stress, I am thinking of Zoe's bloody nose and how she didn't give up, still wanted to play and still played hard even though I know her nose was throbbing like crazy. I am gonna keep going. I am praying and asking God where we should go, scouring the paper, asking around, asking for help, praying for the money so that we can rent with a deposit and everything needed to move. I am also keeping my chin up. What else can I do? The Lord has to do the rest. He is still in control. He still loves me. I still love Him. He has always directed me and I know I felt a peace about where we were to live after this house so why am I so stressed? it's just me. I need to rely on God, work through the pain and be ready when we do find that perfect house and have the money in hand.
Back to packing and planning........bloody nose and all.


Alise said...

Praying here about each of the things mentioned. Give me a call sometime -- I sent you a message on facebook with my phone numbers.

DaNella Auten said...

Aww I get bloody noses too. YOU have INcouraged me I need to remember like the great philosopher and theologen Angela Vickery Roberts always said... "God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and he knows where your hill is."