Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So much has happened!!

I'll write out the list:
1. Ramon's Birthday
2. My Birthday
3. Zoe had surgery to remove tonsills and adnoids
4. Me and Ramon were sent out of town
5. Zoe (with the childcare provider WHILE we away)threw up blood, was taken to the ED, and had to have another surgery to stop the bleeding from her wounds
6. She had to be out of school a total of 2.5 weeks
7. The Lord impressed a whole new way of thinking and acting on us.
8. My best friend announced terrible news.
9. I went out of town with our Pastor to a Women's Retreat for 3 days.
10. Daniel has started with counciling.
11. Gabriel had his second birthday.
12. I now have 4 jobs: full time babysitter with a 5 month old, I also work at my church, I am a consultant with All Squared Away organizing company, and now I also work midnights at Secure US as a nighttime monitor of systems. Along with house, husband and children.

I may get to touch on each of these things later, but for now, just know that I am thankful for each of them. They are getting me closer to my destiny than ever before! I have a purpose for my life and someday each of the battles that I have faced in my life will be necessary for me to grow into who I become. Then I will be a stronger and more capable person for what I've gone through. And then to GOD be the glory! Who else could have seen me through some of the toughest times? Who could have kept me steady while staring failure and defeat in the face? ONLY GOD! WOW, am I thankful! So, for now this is a list of all the victories just within the last month, boy, am I excited about what the next month brings!!
Go God!