Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I am thankful for the Lord guiding me.

So I have been watching the show called "Snapped" and it features women who have snapped and killed someone or attempted to kill someone. I know, I know, not the best thing to be watching and I digress it is not, but I have been thinking that I am not very much different than these women. They are regular women, some college educated, some not, some married some not, some have children some do not. Some are just like me, middle aged, homemakers married with children. But for whatever reason, their minds snapped and they, in a fit of rage, jealousy, anger, or craziness, killed someone. So what is the difference between them and me? I have been pondering that. I have felt things like that to make my blood boil so to speak. I have thought about things that are illegal to do. But the thing that separates me from them is the Lord. Plain and simple. I have the Lord to lean on. I have the Holy Spirit to guide me and take away the thoughts that creep in that should not be there. I have the Lord to hand over my problems to. I have the Lord who says "Vengence is mine I will repay". I do not have to worry about things that happen to me that I have no control over because the Lord is my defender. These other women allow themselves to think about dealing with a situation that is not theirs to handle, it should be the Lord's and they do not allow Him to defend them or comfort them or lead and guide them. I do. I WANT the Lord to guide me in all the ways He wants me to go. I am so thankful for that. It would be easy for me, without the Lord, to fall into this kind of trap. Of course I want revenge sometimes, but sometimes it is not for me to take myself, it is best left to when the LORD wants to defend me and take vengence for me on my behalf. And He will! I only have to relax in knowing that it is the best kind. I only need to trust in Him. Which I do!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I am thankful for my children!

Just a quick note, there is lots going on this week! I have been reading about a family who have 6 children and they ALL have Autism. Can you imagine 6 children and all of them with some form of Autism. Some are high functioning, but others like a 6 year old is still in diapers. It is an incredible story as they all were diagnosed in 2006 even the oldest was 11 or 12 when the diagnoses came. I can get frustrated with my kids, especially when I tell them things and they ignore it and mess things up. It really bothers me. But after reading about their story (there is a video to watch at abcnews.com, too) on this blog http://www.autismbitestheblog.blogspot.com/
I have to think twice about my kids. Tonight, my oldest has tons of homework, he missed yesterday and he has an oral report and a spelling test tomorrow. Well, he has taken it upon himself to fix everything in the house, from game systems to arguements between siblings, and doing everything BUT homework. This has been the better part of an hour. Now, he's telling me he can barely move his hand because he's been writing so much. I got really frustrated with him earlier and had to go to this blog and read about all the things they have to deal with and then go back to my Daniel and be ever more patient. Oh, because he has basketball tonight too, arrrrrggg. But, nothing is impossible with the living God. And on Him I have my trust, in all things. This day shall pass and be only a memory in a few days. God is here and God is there! What a marvelous thing.
Thank you Lord for the problems my kids have, for they could be much worse!!