Sunday, June 22, 2008

I was tagged.........

Here goes.......
I'm supposed to answer these questions and then tag others to answer them, so here they are:
1. What were you doing ten years ago?
Um lets see... 1998. Early in the year, Ramon went back to school to finish his degree and then mid-year we moved to Charleston WV from Zephyrhills, FL. Our longest move. Daniel just turned 1 (our oldest)

2.Name five things on today's "to do" list:
a. sleep at some point
b. go to a yard sale
c. give kids a bath
d. work
e. take a shower

3.Things I'd do if I was a Billionaire: I would give my house away to someone, buy a big house and pay the taxes on it for the next 10 years, pay off all my debt, all my parents'debt and all my brother's debt and buy a piece of land or something for all of them, put money away for my kids, set up training on how to handle money and how to Biblically pass down money, set up mutual funds, IRAs and whatever else kind of money preserving things are out there

4.Three Bad Habits: not following through, TV, not updating my blog!

5.Five places I've lived: Morgantown, WV; Lakeland, Fl, SanAntonio, TX, Jordan, NY, Charleston, WV

6.Five jobs I've had: dispatcher, child care provider, organizer, ice cream scooper, cashier

7..Five People I'm Tagging:

1 comment:

Alise said...

Finally saw this and got around to answering! Have a happy fourth!